Monday, February 27, 2006

Learn everYthiNg simple anD eAsy

Ok, you guessed it right. The topic is about a site that I came up recently and was amazed by the very first moment.

Let’s take things from the very beginning. I’ve been looking lately in a way to learn Macromedia Flash and it seemed that buying books or applying for seminars wasn’t the right choice. A friend of mine introduced me to Lynda (gave me demos) of how he learned working with Dreamweaver. A set of videos explaining step by step the procedure of creating a website from scratch till the end.

Taking a tour through I came up with tutorials for the majority of known programs and I came up with Flash as well. The procedure is so easy to follow that even people without any computer related knowledge will be able to follow, comprehend and finally learn.

Give it a try, it worths every penny of it.


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