So, here they are. I'm going to be quick so I will catch up with other posts.

One of the main reasons to visit Corfu in Easter is the custom of throwing big/enormous pottery...well actually clay pitchers from the balconies.

So, right after this occasion, all roads are covered with small little pieces of clay. Finding a top/bottom part intact (not broken) is supposed to bring luck to the one who will find it.

Philarmonic orchistras march throught the cities , providing the soundtrack to the mourning of people.

Waiting for resurrection, bringing our candle to share the holy light.

Resurrection is celebrated with fireqorks providing light to the sky for more than half an hour.

It's Sunday, now we can celebrate after 2 weeks of fasting. Roasted lambs are on their way to our empty stomaches.

Let the dance begin (if you can dance after all this food!)

Time for somer touristic inguiries. This is Achilleion, the house of Princess Sissy.

View from the terrace.

Majestic paintings in the interiors.

View when approaching the mansion.

The statue of Achilles residing in the mansion.
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